
package util

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class FixedScheduler(name: String = FixedScheduler.nextKafkaSchedulerName(), daemonic: Boolean = false, executionModel: ExecutionModel = ExecutionModel.Default, exceptionReporter: UncaughtExceptionReporter = Schedulers.LoggingReporter) extends Product with Serializable

    Kafka consumers need to be single-threaded, so this ensures we can run our kafka observable on a single thread

  2. final case class LatencySnapshot(perSecond: Int, total: Long) extends Product with Serializable
  3. final class Metrics extends AnyRef

    Represents a simple counter task

  4. class Stats extends StrictLogging

    A place where we can write config stats for app support.

    A place where we can write config stats for app support.

    It can periodically write the stats to disk so they can be served using some basic static html server

Value Members

  1. object FixedScheduler extends Serializable
  2. object Props extends LazyLogging

  3. object Schedulers
  4. object Stats
  5. object Using

    come on scala 2.13!
